This post is a follow-up to my PLUTO & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS post Pluto RetrogradeMay 2 – October 11, 2024 On the social stage, for most of this retrograde phase Pluto will remain in Aquarius, reviewing the changes needed in society as a whole and how to best go about it. However, in theRead more
March 19 @ 8:07pm PDT(Vernal Equinox)Sun at 0° Aries / Earth at 0° LibraAstrological New Year! ENERGIESAxis: Aries / LibraSelf / OtherIndependent / PartneredIndividuality / Duality Trivinity: LineRaw, directed energiesThese signs initiate (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Sabbat: MinorThe Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons. The equinox is a time to reflect on balance and duality, shadow and light; the polarities ofRead more
PLUTO2024 is the year of Pluto!We’ll be checking in with him periodically throughout the Wheel of the Year. The Dwarf Elephant in the RoomFirst things first, while Pluto has been reclassified (“demoted”) to a dwarf planet in modern astronomy, in astrology his energies have remained consistent. He is still recognized as a significant traveller andRead more
February 4, 2024 @ 12:28am PSTSun at 15° Aquarius / Earth at 15° LeoFirst of the Fertility Festivals – Inspiration and hope are ignited THE ENERGIESAxis: Aquarius / LeoGroup / IndividualSocial / Personal powerPride / LionStars / Sun Trivinity: Circle Contained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentrated energies THERead more
YULEDecember 21, 2023 @ 7:27pm PSTSun at 0° Capricorn / Earth at 0° Cancer ENERGIESAxis: Capricorn / CancerPublic / Personal (Private)Social / PrimordialFruit (product) / Roots (source material) Trivinity: LineRaw, Directed energiesThese signs initiate(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Sabbat: MinorThe Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons WHEEL OF THE YEARThe Wheel of the Year has turnedRead more
November 7, 2023 @ 8:36am PSTSun at 15° Scorpio / Earth at 15° TaurusAs the mystic veil grows thin,Let the hallows dance begin! ENERGIESAxis: Scorpio / TaurusDeath / LifePsychological / PhysicalDepths (of earth) / Surface (of earth) Trivinity: CircleContained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentratedRead more
September 22, 2023 11:50pm PDT(Autumnal Equinox)Sun at 0° Libra / Earth at 0° Aries Pop the cork and toast the season!Hoof and Horn, Hoof and HornAll that dies shall be rebornVine & Grain, Vine & GrainAll that’s cut, shall rise again THE ENERGIESAxis: Libra / AriesOther / SelfPartnered / IndependentDuality / Individuality Trivinity: LineRaw, DirectedRead more
August 7, 2023 @ 11:23am PDT(commonly assigned to Aug 1)Sun at 15° Leo / Earth at 15° Aquarius Vine & Grain, Vine & GrainAll that’s cut shall rise again! THE ENERGIESAxis: Leo / AquariusPersonal / SocialIndividual / GroupSun (Lion) / Stars (Pride) Trivinity: CircleContained & sustained energiesThese signs concentrate(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats are mid-season,Read more
June 21 @ 7:57am PDT(Midsummer / Summer Solstice) Sun at 0° Cancer / Earth at 0° CapricornSun is all powerful! THE ENERGIESAxis: Cancer / CapricornPersonal / SocialPrimordial / SocietalRoots (source material) / Fruit (product) Trivinity: LineRaw, directed energiesThese signs initiate(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Sabbat: MinorThe Minor Sabbats initiate the modern seasons. WHEEL OF THE YEARWith SunRead more
May 5 @ 11:19am PDT(commonly assigned to May 1) Sun at 15° Taurus / Earth at 15° ScorpioFull earthly manifestation of lifeErect the pole and let the dance begin! THE ENERGIESAxis: Taurus / ScorpioLife / DeathPhysical / PsychologicalSurface / Depths Trivinity: CircleContained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major SabbatsRead more