September 22, 2024 @ 5:44pm PDT
(Autumnal Equinox)
Sun at 0° Libra / Earth at 0° Aries

Pop the cork and toast the season!
Hoof & Horn, Hoof & Horn
All that dies shall be reborn
Vine & Grain, Vine & Grain
All that’s cut shall rise again!

Axis: Libra / Aries
Other / Self
Partnered / Independent
Duality / Individuality
Trivinity: Line
Raw, Directed Energies
These signs initiate (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Sabbat: Minor
The Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons.

The equinox is a time to reflect on balance, duality, and the polarities of flux…shadow & light, peace & war, death & life… 

At Mabon, the waning solar energies fuse with the gathered earthly energies as the God sets in the west, embodying the Dying God.  

The God at Mabon
After the sacrifice at Lughnasadh and a month travelling through Virgo (the sign of service, integration, and natural cycles), the God understands and accepts his role in the cycle of death and rebirth.

With the Sun moving into Libra (the sign of balance and harmony), the light of day co-operates with the dark of night instead of fighting.  The God, as Harvest Lord, unites his solar and earthy aspects and begins the descent to the Underworld, where he will become the Lord of Death at Samhain. 

The Goddess at Mabon
As for the Goddess, She has transitioned through group-focused Aquarius and transcended to see the big picture in Pisces.  While the God was integrating his dual nature, the Goddess was surrendering to Her own expansiveness. 

With the Earth moving into Aries, the Goddess represents the spark of life that is eternal.  Even when the body dies and descends the spirit endures, to become new life.  The Goddess at Mabon guides and protects through the dark and shadowy season to come.

In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess

At the time of Mabon, the sun is in the 19th primordial energy activating HARMONIA, the Goddess of harmony, balance, love, and eternity.

Mabon is a time when we reap what was sown over the year, acknowledging both the challenges and blessings that resulted.  It is also a time to be rid of that which no longer serves us – separate the wheat from the chaff.  Let go of anything that interferes with the coming quiet and rest, or anything that will impede growth in the next cycle. 
Gather, thresh, and winnow your harvest. 
Reflect on the challenges and toast the blessings. 
Though the God is in peaceful Libra,
the Goddess is in life-affirming Aries reminding us …
We are here, We are alive, and We will survive!
Blessed Be!

Priestess Dawn

As the founder of Theodomy, Dawn combines her training in Gardnerian Witchcraft and her B.A. in psychology with a lifetime commitment to the study of astrology and mythology, to help others find connection with the divine and Self.

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