February 4, 2024 @ 12:28am PST
Sun at 15° Aquarius / Earth at 15° Leo
First of the Fertility Festivals – Inspiration and hope are ignited
Axis: Aquarius / Leo
Group / Individual
Social / Personal power
Pride / Lion
Stars / Sun
Trivinity: Circle
Contained and sustained energies
These signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Sabbat: Major
The Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentrated energies
Imbolg begins the integration of solar light and earthly growth. The social power of the God (Sun in Aquarius) is focused and directed by the Goddess (Earth in Leo) to create individuals – life & fertility.

The God at Imbolg
The sun born to the Goddess at Yule is now gaining his independence in Aquarius – sign of innovation and humanitarianism. Supported by the Aquarius guide, Uranus (Prometheus archetype responsible for the creation of humans and giving them fire), the God at Imbolg becomes the Hero/Saviour of the group. The once-and-future king ensures humanity’s existence through the light and warmth of the promethean gift of fire. This fire enables both the physical ability to see, cook, and stay warm, as well as the metaphorical spark or essence that animates all life… which brings us to the Goddess.

The Goddess at Imbolg
The earth moves into fiery Leo, home of the sun – the main source of heat, light, and life here on earth. Shifting from the primordial sign of Cancer into the personal sign of Leo, the Goddess activates the energies of nobility, selfhood, creativity, and fun. Free of the dependent child, the Goddess is able to focus on Self and personal development. As the fire of life is brought to humanity, the divine feminine inspires us to discover our individual selves and honour our inner nobility through creative self-expression.
In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess.
At the time of Imbolg, the sun is in the 32nd primordial energy activating BRIGID, the Goddess of Inspiration and Creativity.
Imbolg is a time when the very first signs of new growth show themselves – the promise of renewal and spring to come. Many of our European ancestors celebrated this time of year as the beginning of lambing season, where new potentials were symbolically fed by the lactating ewes (Oimelc means “ewe’s milk”; Imbolg means “in the belly”). It is a time for inspiration and hope; let ideas and enlightenment sprout. Some of these may take root later in the cycle while others may wither to feed those that have rooted. Imbolg is the time to start clearing the way for new growth.
Sweep away any remaining decay that may impede the new growth – both literally and metaphorically – that Imbolg may spark new life!