We are daughters of the Goddess and we are the Goddess.
We are Sisters and we are the Sisterhood.
We serve the Goddess and we serve each other.
As Above, So Below
So Mote It Be!
The Sisterhood of Theodomy seeks to subvert the patriarchy by bringing back the Goddess and the power of Her witches!
The Power
The true power of the witch is in seeing the world as it truly is: full of energy, magic, and the Goddess. Understanding and working with the divine interconnectedness of all things; seeing the Goddess within and without; where the subjective and objective reflect each other and the imagination reigns supreme. Both spiritual practice and magical workings require this power.
In the initial persecutions, the witches’ power was vilified and demonized, but at least it was still recognized. Then the patriarchy took it to a new level, discrediting and then outright erasing the reality of that power. Witches (and all women) have since been conditioned to feel doubt and shame when they try to access their power. Acknowledging the power – seeing the true world – is considered foolish or even pathological today, and the imagination is something relegated to childhood fantasy. Ironically, the “Age of Enlightenment” was responsible for the subjugation of the imagination and the invalidation of correspondence – the symbolic language that provides the link between the subjective/objective, microcosm/macrocosm, unconscious/conscious…etc.
ENOUGH! Sister Witches, the time has come to reclaim our power!
Reject the conditioning that tells you coincidence is meaningless. Reject the conditioning that dismisses myth as fake. Reject the conditioning that makes you ask the question “Is this real or is it just my imagination?” It is all REAL! Everything that comes from your imagination – your mind – is legitimate! The imagination is rooted in the unconscious, the realm of the feminine. It is a gift of the Goddess. It is truth. Validate it! Embrace the absurd, irrational, ridiculous, non-linear, intuitive, etc…. The patriarchy wants you to feel ashamed and foolish for knowing the Goddess is alive and claiming Her power as a witch. Reject that conditioning! See the external as a reflection and projection of the internal. Recognize and honour correspondence as the language of the Goddess. If you chose to wear a blue shirt and then see a blue car on your way to work, that is correspondence, that is the Goddess. When you hope for a nice day and someone offers to let you in front of them in line, that is correspondence, that is the Goddess. When you seek connection with the Goddess and you see Her in your meditation, that is correspondence, that is the Goddess… and She is real.
The actual meaning may vary, but the reality of the correspondence is authentic. Do not dismiss it! That is what the patriarchy wants you to do. Reject the conditioning! Banish doubt and liberate the imagination. Transmute everyday realities into their higher correspondences to once again see the world as it truly is. See the Goddess everywhere and feel Her power in you.

CALENDAR: Yule 2024 to Yule 2025
CALENDAR: Yule 2023 to Yule 2024

Sacred Self Rite – Daily Practice
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