March 19 @ 8:07pm PDT
(Vernal Equinox)
Sun at 0° Aries / Earth at 0° Libra
Astrological New Year!
Axis: Aries / Libra
Self / Other
Independent / Partnered
Individuality / Duality
Trivinity: Line
Raw, directed energies
These signs initiate (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Sabbat: Minor
The Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons.
The equinox is a time to reflect on balance and duality, shadow and light; the polarities of flux.
At the Vernal Equinox, the solar energies birthed at Yule unite with the earthly energies growing out of Imbolg to bring forth life and the rising of the God at Ostara.
The pure vitality of the God (sun in Aries) unites with the fecundity of the Goddess (earth in Libra) to resurrect life.

The God at Imbolg
Hear the battle cry of the God as the Sun moves into Mars-guided Aries, the sign of action, initiation, and the warrior…and the first sign of the zodiac. Day and Night are equally matched today but, at the end of the battle, Day will win and light hours will begin to outnumber the dark.
At Yule, the God was born. At Imbolg, he became the saviour hero, bringing the divine gift of fire. Now at Ostara, the God becomes the divine fire – the rising one – embodying the vitality and virility of life itself. Hail the Green Man, life aspect of the Horned God!

The Goddess at Imbolg
As for the Goddess, she gained a sense of herself in Leo and has spent the last month moving through the earth sign, Virgo (Virgin meaning “whole unto Herself”). Now, the Goddess ascends from the earth and moves into harmonizing, Venus-guided, Libra. In the partnering sign of Libra, the fecundity of the Goddess unites with the virility of the God to resurrect life on earth. He is the seed, She is the womb into which the seed is planted.
In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess.
At the time of Ostara, the Sun is in the 1st primordial energy activating Anat, the Goddess of Aggression and Will. See my post ANAT for more details.
What sprouted at Imbolg grows roots at Ostara.
May your workings bear fruit in the coming months.
Other posts to check out at Ostara: