May 5 @ 11:19am PDT
(commonly assigned to May 1)
Sun at 15° Taurus / Earth at 15° Scorpio
Full earthly manifestation of life
Erect the pole and let the dance begin!
Axis: Taurus / Scorpio
Life / Death
Physical / Psychological
Surface / Depths
Trivinity: Circle
Contained and sustained energies
These signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Sabbat: Major
The Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentrated energies
Beltaine is a celebration of life, love, sensuality, and sacred sexuality. Themes of attachment, release, sharing, and sex are prominent this time of year. The shared experience of sex (Scorpio) producing life and growth (Taurus). As the lovers unite, the blade joins the chalice in the sacred union of love and life.

The God at Beltaine
The Sun has reached the peak of the earth sign, Taurus, and represents the full earthly embodiment of the Horned God. The vitality and virility he gained through Aries is ready to take on physical manifestation as the blade joins the chalice in the sacred union of love and life.

The Goddess at Beltaine
The Goddess has grown to full sexual maturity in Scorpio and she welcomes the union with the God on all levels. Understanding of the power of sexual energy, the Goddess initiates the God into the mysteries of intimacy, orgasm, and the ego-death that leads to ultimate transcendence.
The union of the Goddess and the God benefits the community as a whole – bringing fertility and abundance – while the ego-death will facilitate the path of connection (when the Sun/Earth move into the Gemini/Sagittarius axis).
In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess.
At the time of Beltaine, the sun is in the 5th primordial energy activating Cybele, the Goddess of Nature, Wilderness, and Sexuality. See my post CYBELE for more details.

Moon sesquiquadrates Sun 135°
Rises mid-afternoon Sets before dawn
10½ – 14 days after New Moon
Light Dominant
Mature, Develop, Grow, Observe, Perfect, Articulate, Evaluate, Analyze, Refine
The Gibbous phase necessitates analyzing whatever was developed in the previous phase and perfecting the form, so that it can operate efficiently and effectively. As the light becomes dominant, there is a questing for revelation. The symbolic seed buds.
As the Moon waxes brighter and larger, so does the ability to make mental connections and be inspired. A heightened energy level increases the desire to contribute relevant and useful content to the culture. Devote to what is meaningful.
Take stock of your progress and evaluate your position. The future may seem bright but forget not that something wonderful is happening now. The beauty of life is sacred. Feed the soul on love and it will grow. Deepening commitment is worthy of praise, so celebrate all that has already been achieved.