February 3, 2025 @ 6:11am PSTSun at 15° Aquarius / Earth at 15° LeoFirst of the Fertility Festivals – Inspiration and hope are ignited THE ENERGIESAxis: Aquarius / LeoGroup / IndividualSocial / Personal powerPride / LionStars / Sun Trivinity: Circle Contained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentrated energies THERead more
YULEDecember 21, 2024 @ 1:20am PSTSun at 0° Capricorn / Earth at 0° Cancer ENERGIESAxis: Capricorn / CancerPublic / Personal (Private)Social / PrimordialFruit (product) / Roots (source material) Trivinity: LineRaw, Directed energiesThese signs initiate(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Sabbat: MinorThe Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons WHEEL OF THE YEARThe Wheel of the Year has turnedRead more
Pluto stationed direct on October 12 and on November 19 he will finally move into Aquarius, where he will stay until 2043. Before we carry on here, I want to clarify something basic about astrology: signs influence planets, not the other way around. The zodiac (Girdle) is the outermost edge of the system, with each sign vibratingRead more
November 6, 2024 @ 2:21pm PSTSun at 15° Scorpio / Earth at 15° TaurusFull Earthly Manifestation of DeathAs the mystic veil grows thin,Let the hallows dance begin! ENERGIESAxis: Scorpio / TaurusDeath / LifePsychological / PhysicalDepths (of earth) / Surface (of earth) Trivinity: CircleContained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats comeRead more
September 22, 2024 @ 5:44pm PDT(Autumnal Equinox)Sun at 0° Libra / Earth at 0° Aries Pop the cork and toast the season!Hoof & Horn, Hoof & HornAll that dies shall be rebornVine & Grain, Vine & GrainAll that’s cut shall rise again! ENERGIESAxis: Libra / AriesOther / SelfPartnered / IndependentDuality / Individuality Trivinity: LineRaw, Directed EnergiesThese signs initiateRead more
This post continues from both PLUTO & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS and PLUTO RETROGRADE. Pluto – currently still in retrograde – slipped back into Capricorn on September 1. This final return to Capricorn marks the last leg of a 16 year journey and affords the opportunity to tidy up loose ends and get affairs inRead more
August 6, 2024 @ 5:10pm PDT(commonly assigned to Aug 1)Sun at 15° Leo / Earth at 15° Aquarius Vine & Grain, Vine & GrainAll that’s cut shall rise again! THE ENERGIESAxis: Leo / AquariusPersonal / SocialIndividual / GroupSun (Lion) / Stars (Pride) Trivinity: CircleContained & sustained energiesThese signs concentrate(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats are mid-season,Read more
BLUE MOON in CapricornJuly 21, 2024 at 3:18am PDT You’ve likely heard or even used the idiom “once in a blue moon”, which is meant to imply something rare. While it is true Blue Moons are not common, rare is a bit of an overstatement. They occur approximately every 2 or 3 years. What isRead more
June 20 @ 1:52pm PDT(aka Midsummer or Summer Solstice)Sun at 0° Cancer / Earth at 0° CapricornSun is all powerful! With Sun in Cancer and Earth in Capricorn, Litha marks the halfway point on the Wheel of the Year – the eternal cycle of light and shadow, life and death, and all sacred binaries. ENERGIESAxis: CancerRead more
May 4 @ 5:11pm PDT Sun at 15° Taurus / Earth at 15° ScorpioFull earthly manifestation of lifeErect the pole and let the dance begin! THE ENERGIESAxis: Taurus / ScorpioLife / DeathPhysical / PsychologicalSurface / Depths Trivinity: CircleContained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major Sabbats come at the peakRead more