While the lingering effects of the last Saturn/Uranus square at Yule remain, we have reason to feel hopeful. There is still an overall sense of conflict between Stability and Change, Power and People, Old and New, but things are moving forward. Literally. Starting at 8:30pm PST Feb 3, all travellers will be moving in a direct motion, and will remain so until the end of April (right around Beltaine).

Energetically, direct (forward) motion of travellers enables them to focus outwardly with relative ease. However, many of these travellers are currently still clustering around each other, so not a lot of room for individual energies to make a powerful charge.
Aside – Retrograde (backward) motion turns traveller energies inward, which can feel challenging or stifling for those uncomfortable with self-reflection or the quiet of introversion – which is why they have been given such a bad reputation by those who do not truly appreciate their use.
Furthermore – because of their close proximity – there will be a few conjunctions (travellers in the same place) coming up that require travellers to work together, even when their energies do not naturally mesh. This can potentially feel a bit awkward, but mostly conjunctions facilitate true alchemy: the uniting of forces to produce something new.
1 + 1 = 3
(consider life from the binary perspective)
Further encouraging forward motion is the Moon, who also happens to be in her “Imbolg” phase (crescent) right in line with the Sabbat. The crescent phase of the lunation cycle is characterized by:
opportunity, overcoming challenge and inertia, breaking with the past, and focusing forward
The seed has sprouted, the light is stirring, and the first glimpses of the vision may be perceived. The past is over but the future is yet to come.
To sum up, this is by no means a “full steam ahead” kind of energy, but things should at least start to feel like forward motion is possible. The past will continue to tempt us with its illusion of comfort (the-devil-you-know kind of thing) but Imbolg is a time for inspiration and hope. Allow yourself to envision a new way. Let ideas and enlightenment sprout. You never know what may take root later in the cycle.
Wishing you all a very Blessed Imbolg.