Jupiter’s IntrospectionSummer solstice 2021 very appropriately sees Jupiter stationing retrograde, meaning he appears to be moving backward from our geocentric point of view. When travellers turn retrograde, their energies turn inward. As a traveller of philosophy and spiritual tradition, this makes Jupiter’s retrograde a time of philosophical and spiritual introspection. Furthermore, as a representation ofRead more
When the ancients looked up to the cosmos, they saw seven travellers in the sky: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. However, as our knowledge of the universe expanded, astrological insight evolved. Missing or outdated information was filled in or updated, and humanity gained a deeper understanding of itself and a greater perspectiveRead more
Sun 0Ar00, Earth 0Li00 on March 20, 2021 (Ostara)Venus 0Ar00 on March 21, 2021Venus Superior Conjunction 5Ar50 on March 25, 2021(all dates PDT) Ostara 2021 is a very Goddess-focused Sabbat. The Sun marks the astrological new year, but the opposition of the Earth (in Libra) and Venus (in Aries) empowers this Ostara with a heightenedRead more
December 21, 2020 10:20am PSTOn the Solstice at 0°Aq26’ We are living in significant times. 2020 is a year of the Great Conjunction. A new era is upon us! Every 19-20 years Jupiter and Saturn meet in the sky, referred to as the Great Conjunction. However, this year is particularly significant as the meeting ofRead more
Before Pluto, before Hades, before Persephone… there was Ereshkigal, Queen of the Dead and Goddess of Kur, the Sumerian Underworld. Ereshkigal rules from her palace, Ganzir, and the seven gates that keep the dead are guarded by her servant, Neti. Any souls that leave the underworld do so only with the permission of Ereshkigal. HerRead more
Harmonia[1] is the Greek goddess of harmony and concord (Roman Concordia), and the Queen of Thebes. As the daughter of Ares and Aphrodite, Harmonia’s parentage speaks directly to her energies as the balancing factor in both the harsh and gentle aspects of life. She is said to ease conflict and strife in both love andRead more
Bast (also known as Bastet, Ubaste, Ubasti, and Pasch) is an ancient solar goddess of protection, fertility, joy, health, women, and – of course – cats. She has been described as both “Goddess of the Rising Sun” and “Goddess of Sunset” highlighting the dual nature of solar goddesses. Most statue depictions show Bast as aRead more
Queen of the Aesir and Queen of Asgard, Frigg is the most important – yet misunderstood – goddess of the Norse pantheon. Frigg, whose name means “beloved” is a goddess of fertility, family, motherhood, and love. She is both a maternal figure and a ruler, fulfilling immediate familial roles of wife (to Odin) and mother (toRead more
Cybele (sib-uh-lee) also known as Kybele (kih-buh-lee), Kubaba, Agdistis, and Magna Mater (Great Mother) was the Phrygian goddess of nature, wilderness, fertility, sexuality, and protection. Her worship travelled from Phrygia (a kingdom within Anatolia, which sits in present day Turkey) to mainland Greece, and eventually to Rome, where she became very popular. In fact, theRead more
Anat is a complex goddess of strength, aggression, will, and love. She is the warrior maiden honoured as the protector of the Ugaritic people. Some of her common epithets include: Strength of Life, Anat the Destroyer, Mistress of Kingship, Mistress of Dominion, and Mistress of the High Heavens. She is sometimes referred to as “wanton”Read more