Theodomy is structured around 9 Realms. Each Realm is held by one or more planetary Travellers, who keep the archetypal and mythological energies of the Realm. In the context of the Realms, these Travellers are also called Guardians.
The Travellers are 18 archetypal energies, travelling through the Girdle of the Goddess and the Chambers of the Soul. They are points of dynamic activity that focus the attention and enable growth of the Self.
When Travellers move through the Girdle, their resonance responds and changes (either in a challenging or beneficial way) based on the primordial energy in which they find themselves.
Because Theodomy recognizes the Goddess as the ultimate Source, the majority of the Realms address the many faces of the Divine Feminine. Even Mercury is still contained within Her womb.
However, as we delve into Her womb, the Theurgical Realm opens up to the balancing God archetypes contained in the Deiferus facet.
Finally, the Malum Realm is where the abused, distorted, maligned, and shadows archetypes of the Goddess reside.
Finally, the Malum Realm is where the abused, distorted, maligned, and shadows archetypes of the Goddess reside.
Theodomy is a modern progression of western esoteric teachings, where the old gods have been forgotten and the Goddess desecrated. Should a seeker feel called by other faces of the gods and Goddess, they should feel free to explore but Theodomy asks that they be mindful and respectful of cultural sensitivities, especially where the gods and Goddess are still being honoured and worshipped today.