December 21, 2023 @ 7:27pm PST
Sun at 0° Capricorn / Earth at 0° Cancer
Axis: Capricorn / Cancer
Public / Personal (Private)
Social / Primordial
Fruit (product) / Roots (source material)
Trivinity: Line
Raw, Directed energies
These signs initiate
(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Sabbat: Minor
The Minor Sabbats initiate each of the modern seasons
The Wheel of the Year has turned and we are back in the darkness; the primordial womb of life. The cycle begins again…
The God at Yule
As the Sun moves into Capricorn – the sign of authority, status, and mastery – the Shadow of the Sun God reaches maximum strength as the Holly King. The sun has reached its lowest point in the sky, creating the longest shadows.

Cosmically, the Holly King (sometimes-antlered, holly & mistletoe-adorned old man with long white hair and beard) is Saturn, who makes his home in Capricorn. He is the Lord of the Harvest and Father Time – respecting the natural laws while honouring time and experience as the true teachers of wisdom. As such, the Holly King knows his time has come and he departs with grace as the Goddess births his complement, the Oak King. The sun will rise, the shadows will shorten, and the days will grow brighter and longer, as the Oak King’s reign begins.
The Goddess at Yule
As for the Goddess, the Earth moves into Cancer, the liminal sign representing both the womb and the tomb; where life begins and ultimately returns. The Goddess in Cancer is both the mother and the crone concurrently. As the crone, the Goddess witnesses the passing of the Holly King, accepting him back into the tomb… even as she births the Light of the Sun God as the mother.

The natural placement of Cancer in the astrochart simultaneously represents that which is North (above) and that which is subterranean (below). The Earth’s ingress at Yule collapses the superposition, focuses the North/Above aspect, and opens the cosmic birth gate, where Light enters.
In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess.
At the time of the winter solstice, the sun moves into the 28th primordial energy activating Frau Holle, the Goddess of Midwinter. See my Holle post for more information.
Wishing you all a very Blessed Solstice and a peaceful Yuletide season
…and may the gifts of Frau Holle be well deserved