This post continues from both PLUTO & THE AGE OF AQUARIUS and PLUTO RETROGRADE.

Pluto – currently still in retrograde – slipped back into Capricorn on September 1.  This final return to Capricorn marks the last leg of a 16 year journey and affords the opportunity to tidy up loose ends and get affairs in order; a final accounting or reckoning of sorts. 

As a little refresher, Pluto is the archetype of power, control, and transformation but, as the Lord of the Underworld, he also embodies the shadows and unearths what lies beneath. 

For the past 16 years, Pluto has been travelling through Capricorn, the sign of social hierarchies and institutions (government, business, banks, churches, etc…), where he has been revelling in the mastery of power while also revealing the depraved underbelly of said power (abuse, decay, corruption…).

Now, at the end of this journey, Pluto’s energies will sit in the final degree of Capricorn* for a couple of months, calling on society to re-examine and re-evaluate the structures it has built, confront the remaining issues, and discard what no longer serves the collective.  (Where Capricorn values the structures for orders-sake, Aquarius needs those structures to be of value and service to the collective.)  Pluto’s power and ability to transmute is key at this final, transitional degree of the sign.  He is the alchemist directing evolution as we progress into Aquarius later in the fall. 

Of course, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention that Pluto will be in his fall in Aquarius, meaning he isn’t comfortable there and the energies don’t work well together… but we’ll have a closer look at that next time. 

*NB – the Blue Moon on July 21 (which shifted the Grand Lunar Cycle from ebb to flow) also happened at 29 Capricorn AND was conjunct Pluto at the time. 

Priestess Dawn

As the founder of Theodomy, Dawn combines her training in Gardnerian Witchcraft and her B.A. in psychology with a lifetime commitment to the study of astrology and mythology, to help others find connection with the divine and Self.

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