June 21 @ 7:57am PDT
(Midsummer / Summer Solstice)
Sun at 0° Cancer / Earth at 0° Capricorn
Sun is all powerful!
Axis: Cancer / Capricorn
Personal / Social
Primordial / Societal
Roots (source material) / Fruit (product)
Trivinity: Line
Raw, directed energies
These signs initiate
(Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
Sabbat: Minor
The Minor Sabbats initiate the modern seasons.
With Sun in Cancer and Earth in Capricorn, Midsummer marks the halfway point on the Wheel of the Year – the eternal cycle of light and shadow, life and death, and all sacred binaries.

The God at Litha
With the Sun entering Cancer, the God reaches the peak of his strength as the full embodiment of solar light – the Oak King. The Sun pauses high in the sky before beginning his descent, as the shadow – the Holly King – grows in strength.
The liminal sign of Cancer represents both the womb and the tomb; where life begins and ultimately returns. Its natural placement in the astrochart simultaneously represents that which is North (above) and that which is subterranean (below). The Sun’s ingress at Litha collapses that superposition, focuses the subterranean (tomb) aspect, and opens the cosmic death gate, inviting shadow in.

The Goddess at Litha
The Goddess has moved into Capricorn, the sign of authority, public status, and highest potential. She has developed through maidenhood and sexual awakening to master Her full feminine power. The Goddess now sits Her throne as Priestess of Earth, channelling the energy of the sun; pregnant with the coming harvest (Horned God/Green Man to be slain at Lughnasadh).
In the language of Theodomy, the 12 signs of the zodiac are further divided into 36 primordial energies of the divine feminine, called the Girdle of the Goddess.
At the time of Litha, the sun is in the 10th primordial energy activating Frigg, the Goddess of fertility, family, home, love, and women. See my post FRIGG for more details.
Just as we have reached the midpoint on the Wheel of the Year, so too have we reached the midpoint in the lunation cycle – Full Moon. With the bright full light of both Litha and the Full Moon, it is an excellent time to reflect and truly appreciate the balance, the polarity, the cosmic dance that is lunation.
The Moon is the Sun’s polar opposite in all ways – night to his day, receiving to his giving, shadow to his light. While this polarity is most obviously reflected in the ebb and flow of light, their physical position (relative to Earth) also reflects this balance. The Moon’s position in the sky at Litha is the Sun’s position at Yule, and vice versa. The Sun is high in the sky at Litha but the Moon is low. At Yule, the opposite occurs – the Moon is high and the Sun is low. Their path reveals both the past and the future. Feel the rhythm and join the dance…

Moon opposes Sun 180°
Rises at sunset Sets at sunrise
14 – 17½ days after New Moon
Light Peaks
Illumine, Fulfill, Culminate, Celebrate, Express, Reveal
The Full phase is the flowering of the cycle when the meaning of the cycle’s purpose is revealed, and must be infused into the structure built during the waxing half of the process. This is the peak of the light and the complete illumination of the vision. The symbolic seed flowers.
The time of maximum illumination has arrived – awaken to consciousness. Look directly into the eyes and see only truths. Seek consummation in the reflection. All is perfect. There is nothing else to add.
The Earth is directly between Sun and Moon enabling full vision from both sides. The opposing but equal gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon also reveals a tension. By providing enough distance and light to give an objective view, the Full Moon works to integrate and harmonize the contradictions. This opening of increased awareness makes the Full Moon a beneficial time for meditation on personal and worldwide issues. There is literally an electrical energy build-up before a Full Moon and a release just after the peak.