February 3, 2023 @ 6:43pm PST
(commonly assigned to Feb 1 or 2)
Sun at 15° Aquarius / Earth at 15° Leo
First of the Fertility Festivals – initiates integration of solar light and earthly growth
Inspiration and hope are ignited
Axis: Aquarius / Leo
Group / Individual
Social / Personal power
Pride / Lion
Stars / Sun
Trivinity: Circle
Contained and sustained energies
These signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
Sabbat: Major
The Major Sabbats come at the peak of concentrated energies
Imbolg is a time when the very first signs of new growth show themselves – the promise of renewal and spring to come. However, it is important to remember Imbolg is actually the midpoint between Yule (Solstice) and Ostara (Equinox). There are six more weeks before the sun’s warmth and light overtake the cold and dark. Snow is still possible and, while some shoots have sprouted, roots won’t be established until spring.
Imbolg is a time for inspiration and hope; let ideas and enlightenment sprout. Some of these may take root later in the cycle while others may wither to make room for new growth.
With that in mind, this is a great time to start clearing the way for that new growth. Sweep away any remaining decay that may impede the new growth – both literally (in the garden) and metaphorically (in the Self).
The societal power of the God (sun in Aquarius) is released and gathered by the Goddess (earth in Leo) to benefit the individual – life & fertility.

The God at Imbolg
The Sun born to the Goddess at Yule is now gaining his independence in Aquarius – sign of innovation and humanitarianism. Supported by the Aquarius guide, Uranus (representing the Prometheus archetype responsible for the creation of humans and giving them fire), the God at Imbolg becomes the saviour hero of the group. The once-and-future king ensures humanity’s existence through the light and warmth of the promethean gift of fire. This fire enables both the physical ability to see and cook food, as well as the metaphorical spark or essence that animates all life… which brings us to the Goddess.

The Goddess at Imbolg
The Earth moves into fiery Leo, home of the Sun – the main source of heat, light, and life here on earth. Shifting from the primordial sign of Cancer into the personal sign of Leo, the Goddess activates the energies of nobility, selfhood, creativity, and fun. Free of the dependent child, the Goddess is able to focus on Self and personal development. As the fire of life is brought to humanity, the divine feminine inspires us to discover our individual selves and honour our inner nobility through creative self-expression.
May the spark of the Goddess ignite your sense of Self.
Wishing you all a very Blessed Imbolg.

Moon semisquares Sun 45°
Moon rises midmorning and sets after sunset
3½ – 7 days after New Moon
Light Quickening
Struggle, Challenge, Overcome, Move Forward, Focus, Fortify, Gather, Expand, Externalize
At the Crescent Moon, the life impulse encounters a challenge as it struggles away from the inertia of the past cycle, mobilizes its energy and resources, and moves forward. As the light is stirring, first glimpses of the vision may be perceived. The symbolic seed breaks out of its seed casing and pushes its first shoots above ground. The past is over, but the future is yet to come. This is a transition phase full of promise, but there are still past conditions to overcome in order to achieve that promise. Strongest of all is the drive to fulfill hopes and dreams.
Although enthusiastic, doubt can be discerned. Simplicity and naivety diminish; experience and complexity increase. Now is not the time to give up. Obstacles are the tests and challenges, strengthening resolve and purpose. Misgivings and fears should neither be repressed nor acted upon, simply be mindful of their messages. Initiate projects that have been given much thought, and let dreams become realities.