May 5 @ 11:19am PDT(commonly assigned to May 1) Sun at 15° Taurus / Earth at 15° ScorpioFull earthly manifestation of lifeErect the pole and let the dance begin! THE ENERGIESAxis: Taurus / ScorpioLife / DeathPhysical / PsychologicalSurface / Depths Trivinity: CircleContained and sustained energiesThese signs concentrate (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) Sabbat: MajorThe Major SabbatsRead more
March 20, 2023 2:24pm PDT(Vernal Equinox) Sun at 0° Aries / Earth at 0° LibraAstrological New Year!Solar energies fuse with earthly energies to herald the rising of the God THE ENERGIESAxis: Aries / LibraSelf / OtherIndependent / PartneredIndividuality / Duality Trivinity: Lineraw, directed energiesThese signs initiate (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) Sabbat: MinorThe Minor Sabbats initiate eachRead more
February 3, 2023 @ 6:43pm PST(commonly assigned to Feb 1 or 2)Sun at 15° Aquarius / Earth at 15° LeoFirst of the Fertility Festivals – initiates integration of solar light and earthly growthInspiration and hope are ignited THE ENERGIESAxis: Aquarius / LeoGroup / IndividualSocial / Personal powerPride / LionStars / Sun Trivinity: Circle Contained andRead more
WHAT ARE THE EQUINOXES (EQUINOCTES)Astronomically, the equinoxes mark the points where the sun crosses the celestial equator, rising from south to north in the spring, and setting from north to south in the fall. Metaphorically and mythologically, the equinoxes mark the points where polarities meet face to face. Where light is forced to look itsRead more
While the sun – our closest and most important star – may be in the feline sign of Leo, the ancients were very focused on the movement of a canine star, Sirius, otherwise known as the Dog Star because of its prominent position in the constellation Canis Major. As the brightest star in the sky,Read more
While the lingering effects of the last Saturn/Uranus square at Yule remain, we have reason to feel hopeful. There is still an overall sense of conflict between Stability and Change, Power and People, Old and New, but things are moving forward. Literally. Starting at 8:30pm PST Feb 3, all travellers will be moving in aRead more
We’ve been exploring the Wheel of the Year for a while now, and I thought it might be time to properly layout how that wheel maps onto the zodiac. Hence, the “deeper look”. The Wheel of the Year divides the twelve signs of the zodiac into eight equal sections. What this means is the fourRead more
Saturn/ Uranus Squares of 2021Feb 17, June 14, Dec 24 (then not for another 45 years) Yule 2021 is energized with the last of three square interactions between Saturn and Uranus. If you will remember, Yule 2020 was charged with the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter, initiating a new era. Well, this Saturn/Uranus squareRead more
Lughnasadh is a good time to consider the role of sacrifice in our lives. Remembering that true sacrifice is offered willingly, I put forward two considerations for reflection upon the nature of sacrifice, both at the personal and societal levels. Sun & Uranus – Personal StruggleHere are some keywords for these two travellers, within theRead more
Jupiter’s IntrospectionSummer solstice 2021 very appropriately sees Jupiter stationing retrograde, meaning he appears to be moving backward from our geocentric point of view. When travellers turn retrograde, their energies turn inward. As a traveller of philosophy and spiritual tradition, this makes Jupiter’s retrograde a time of philosophical and spiritual introspection. Furthermore, as a representation ofRead more